Drawer d’oeuvres

I came to the conclusion that if I want to stay on track with school, make all the scheduled appointments/activities on my calendar, and continue to run the house I cannot take on any large, time consuming, projects. So, I have decided that in order to meet my Lenten sacrifice I’m going to have to only do a little bit every day, sometimes just a drawer or a cabinet or even smaller. Not my original plan, but I keep telling myself steady plodding brings prosperity and slow and steady wins the race. I have a very dear friend that I’ve known for about 18 years now. She is very quick witted and makes me laugh all the time. I’ve never known her to be in a bad mood, I always feel lighter after talking to her. I saw her over the weekend and was telling her about my dilemma, how I want very much to tackle these big projects but in reality I need to do lots of mini ones like a drawer daily etc. She replied “of course it’s like the whole meal verses...