Some Things Should Never be Invented, or Used!

With all that is going on in the world, I would like to know why sometimes my mind spirals when I see something (it can be anything, it doesn’t matter what). Sometimes the spiral leads me down a rabbit hole, looking for answers to the most useless questions that pop into my brain. More often than not, me being me, must find a satisfactory answer to this useless question. It becomes my quest for useless knowledge to a question that plagues me, one that most people don’t even consider. What is going on in my brain?! Honestly, I could be working on solving a real problem or creating something. Still, instead, I try to figure out things like what happens if you’re caught bringing Kinder Surprise Eggs over the US border. (You can be fined up to $2,500 per illegal Kinder Egg, in case you’re wondering). Let me back up a bit. My siblings, my mom, and I send each other random things through text. It can be anything, really. Today’s little tid...