"What a remarkable age this is!"

Yesterday morning I was driving The Littles to a gig, as we were driving a verse from one of the songs in Titanic the Musical popped into my head, If it could be out in a phrase... it's "What a remarkable age this is!" There are a lot of negative things in the world today, but there are a lot of magnificent things as well. I think this is true of any time in history, remarkable inventions, great works of art and literature, and incredible people changing their part of the world. What made this song verse pop into my head ? The amount of information and tools available at our fingertips, at any given time. Sunday night I wanted to know what language Paul wrote to the Corinthians in, a quick search on the internet while driving in the car (my passenger, not me), Greek. What Greek word for love was Paul referring too? Agape. (Thank you Google.) The next morning, while driving to our local Community Arts organization for The Littles gig, Yo...