My Memories Part 2

Yesterday I left you with how super easy My Memories Suite Digital Scrapbooking Software is to use. Today I would like to share a couple of pages from my album. (Because it is important for me to keep my family’s anonymity, as you probably get from the names I have given everyone, I will only be posting pictures that are of scenery and things. I hope you understand.) I also want to share some more information about the software and announce my winner. First, a little more about the software and the company offering it, I love that at their web site in addition to all of the templates and kits available for purchase, there are currently 116 FREE Digital Scrapbooking Kits to download. In the Dollar Store there are 418 things to download for just 99 cents each. If you are a huge scrapbooker or you get addicted to digi designing you will love The Design Club ! This is a monthly subscription club that cost just $5.99 a month. T...