Will the Real You Please Stand Up?!

My forty days/forty bags is going along VERY slow, but I am still determined to reach my goal by Easter Sunday! In the mean time I want to post something that I have wanted to post since January. Four of my kids are involved in our church. My two oldest however are very involved. They are both peer ministers, and are actively involved in the youth ministry program. In addition they serve the community in other ways such as cantoring, sing in the choir, alter serve, and as an Eucharistic minister. In January our Youth Minister puts on a high school retreat, this is a mandatory retreat for the confirmation candidates, but is open to all high school students. Both of my kids volunteered to give witness talks this past January. The theme of the retreat was Faith Book (a play on social media). Oldest talk was on “discernment” and The Organized Child’s topic was “about me” (focusing on her life with our without God). Oldest talk...