What do you love?
I have a daily meditation book in the bathroom. I can't even tell you how long it's been there. My mother gave it to me because it spoke to her. I've picked it up from time to time but nothing really jumped out at me and I felt guilty if I didn't do every one of the suggested activities at the bottom. So, the book sat, who knows for how long. This year I decided to give reading it a try, it touched my mom why shouldn't it touch me to? The gist of January 3rd is that we are all born in grace, as we live, life clouds over this pure, unencumbered grace. Therefore, our whole life is spent learning to peel back the film that clouds the grace and find our way back, back to God. The activities listed were to breathe deeply enter a calm, as a diver goes deep below the waves into the stillness of the water. I took a diving class and was certified a lifetime ago; however I will never forget the feeling of being at the bottom of the pool. I loved the quiet, stillness o...