Lent - 40 days, too many choices

Today is Shrove Tuesday, how did lent sneak up on me so fast?!  I haven’t written many posts over the past few months because I feel like my life is an absolute mess; this has dampened my inspiration and creativity. Today I’ve been thinking, what is the best way for me to pray, fast and give alms this lent?  I figured if I post it here I will be held accountable and this will help me make a positive choice and stick with it for the next 40 days of Lent.

Where to start?!  I mean, I have so many things in my life that I need to be working on!  I could do any one of the following things:

·         40 days of discipline and building better relationships with my kids and in the family.  (As the Director says Little Man and the Informer are like gasoline and a match, add to the mix the Middle Child and you’ll have a raging inferno!)

·         40 days to a healthier body and family (includes healthy food options and excersise)

·         40 days to a better marital relationship

·         40 days with no TV or movies, a definite need in our family.

·         40 days to a cleaner,  uncluttered house, an even bigger need

·         40 days of using all the food in our pantry and budgeting our food money/meal planning

·         40 days of a more disciplined school day

·         40 days of budgeting

·         40 days of going to bed on time and getting enough sleep

I believe that any one of these would require a lot of discipline, prayer, fasting and giving on my part.  I can see how engaging in any one of these activities could help me grow closer to God, take a closer look at my life and relationships, and discern what God’s will for my life is.  As I recently read, often times our physical world and relationships reflects our spiritual world and relationship with God and vice versa.

A quick Google search proves I am not the only person struggling with a cluttered house, budgeting, menu planning and discipline issues.  I read several other people’s blogs and found that many others have chosen similar themes for their 40 day journey as well.  While honestly, I really want to tackle every single thing listed I know this is not a good choice.  As Fylady says baby steps, baby steps are what will bring about lasting change and new habits.  So, as I struggle with which area to work on, I’m researching and praying for guidance.  I’m praying God will lead me to the area He feels I need the most work in and the one that will bring about the greatest growth in my relationship with Him and my family.

Have you thought about the Lenten journey you might take this year yet?

The Shrove Tuesday image  above, I love, came from Pastor Tom's Blog http://pastortomilcp.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/of-pancakes-races-ashes-and-lent/


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