What if life had a rewind button? What if you could go back and do it all again? Would you do it differently than you did? Would you change some things and leave others the same? Have you thought about how your life would be different if you had made different choices? If you could go back and have someone sit you down and impart one or several pieces of wisdom, would you have them do it? If so what would you want them to tell you about? Think about these questions; think how you would answer them. You are in a very unique situation, no matter what age you are; you probably have regrets as well as successes. Share your regrets, your successes and your wisdom with a teen, even if they don’t seem to be interested or they act as if they know it all already, they want to hear what you have to say! They desperately want to know that you care. Take some time to write them a letter, take them to lunch, give them your ea...