Valentine's Day Part 4
Back to my dilemma, this year I guess it’s a case of bad timing. Valentine’s Day came at the wrong time or maybe it’s the fight that came at the wrong time. Either way I’m not feeling overly lovey or connected and I don’t feel like giving a mushy card! So, what to do? Well, after some long thought and reading some more stuff on the subject of “act-as-if” I’ve learned, and have come to realize that I don’t act “act-as-if” in most aspects of my life. Like the speaker and author Mike Robbins says “ although I understand the concept of "acting as if" … about how we have the power to create our own reality, in certain areas of my life - especially the ones that are most important to me or the ones where I feel the most cynical and resigned, I often pay "lip service" to acting as if, while simply hoping things will get better, worrying that they won't, or allowing the outcome to determine how optimistic or pessimistic my outlook and approach will be. This...