Are you poor?

You probably know by now that we are a family of serious movie watchers.  I especially love Christmas movies, particularly old ones.  One of my absolute favorite holiday movies is "It Happened  on Fifth Avenue".  If you're unfamiliar with it I highly recommend getting a copy and watching it, you won't be sorry.  IMDB lists the synopsis as "A homeless New Yorker moves into a mansion and along the way he gathers friends to live in the house with him. Before he knows it, he is living with the actual home owners."  The movie has all the charm of an old holiday movie, wit, drama, romance and the elements of surprise and hope.

One of my favorite quotes comes from this movie.  “For to be without friends is a serious form of poverty" - Aloysius TMcKeever, It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)".  While this quote has always spoken to me, it especially means a lot to me this year.  A childhood school mate lost his 12 year old daughter to cancer earlier this week, not a good way to start a new year.  Knowing the end was near, but holding on to hope and waiting for a miracle still makes her passing very hard I'm sure.  I can not even begin to fathom the pain her family must be in, mourning her loss.  An acquaintance from church phoned me to give me the news, I immediately got onto facebook to see if my other classmates knew (the one really good thing about social media, connecting with old friends).  I was astonished to see all the wonderful posts, childhood friends reaching out to get info, asking how they could support the family.  Although I don't see many of these people often or even talk to them on a regular basis, it was wonderful to see the connection we made as kids, was still there.  There were so many posts sending prayers, offering help and just genuine concern.

As I read the posts and added my own I was reminded of  Aloysis T. McKeever's quote on friends.  I realized in that moment that I am a VERY rich woman indeed!  I have so many friends in my life, people I can count on, turn to and laugh with.  I am truly blessed!  My hope for you in this new year is that you will be rich beyond all means, blessed abundantly with family and friends!

(Please keep my friend and his family in prayer, this has to be a tremendously difficult time for them.  It is unnatural to me that a parent must bury a child.  However, I know that she is rejoicing in the arms of our savior!  Our mourning is for our own loss. As I have mentioned before I know that Christ is victorious over death  and we will be reunited with this special little girl one day, but for now it is a hard pill to swallow.) 


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